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Carolyn Ahrens, Attorney

Carolyn Ahrens (of counsel) practices law primarily in the areas of groundwater and surface water rights and regulation, water supply contracts, utility and environmental law including water quality. She also has been active in representing clients on legislative issues affecting water supply and regulation. Ms. Ahrens is dedicated to obtaining, defending, and securing the water rights and supplies of the firm’s clients, through both traditional and nontraditional permitting and contracting strategies and is positioned to work effectively toward intergovernmental, regional and statewide solutions. Ms. Ahrens served on the National Board of Directors of the WateReuse Association and chaired its National Legislative Committee.  She chaired the American Water Works Association’s Water Resources Sustainability Division that encompasses national committees on Climate Change, Groundwater, Source Water Protection, Water Desalting, Water Resource Planning and Water Reuse. Ms. Ahrens was a Trustee of the Water Environment Federation whose mission is to preserve and enhance the global water environment.  At the state level, Ms. Ahrens is honored to serve on the board of the Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA).  She chaired that association’s Water Laws Committee under three association presidents and is active with the Surface Water Committee, Policy Committee, Federal Affairs Committee, and General Environmental Panel. Ms. Ahrens twice received the prestigious TWCA President's Award for “outstanding dedication, contribution and service to the water resources of the State of Texas.” Among other industry awards, she received a 2012 President’s Award from the WaterReuse Association for “dedication, passion and vision” and two Watermark awards for raising the public's level of understanding of Texas water issues. Ms. Ahrens is a Life Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, a Fellow of the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, a member of the Joseph Pritchard Inn, and a Founding Fellow of the Travis County Bar Foundation. For the International Young Lawyers Association, Ms. Ahrens served on the Executive Committee as National Vice-President for the United States, the highest office for national representatives.

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